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移动内容. 协作学习是一种新事物.

我们正处于后内容时代. 从Youtube到Substack, 从LinkedIn学习到Coursera, 我们想要学习的任何东西都在我们的指尖. We've never had so much access to knowledge—yet we've never been so overwhelmed. No wonder the completion rates for Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) have steadily declined to as low as 3%.

In this mad flurry to put more and more content online, we seem to have left something out.


The most powerful and memorable learning occurs when we talk and collaborate with others.



协作学习是点对点学习的一种形式. 它发生在两个或两个以上的人相互交流时. 这种互动可以是正式的,也可以是非正式的.


  • 读书俱乐部
  • 一个思考-配对-分享的活动
  • 一个团队共同创建一个文档,为编辑提供建议
  • A digital space where employees can share and find useful material, ask questions, and get answers

协作学习之所以引人入胜,是因为它能创造 强大的社会动力. We want to do right by our peers, so we're more likely to show up and see something through. 尤其是有截止日期的时候. One collaborative mode that excels is the cohort-based program.

在基于队列的项目中, a select group of learners advances through an online program within a specific time frame. Unlike MOOCs, cohort programs boast course completion rates as high as 96%. And it's all because the attendees feel a strong sense of urgency and accountability.


  • 什么:商业领袖成长心态培训
  • 时长:6周
  • Topics: Growth mindset 101, giving feedback, embracing challenges
  • Format: Self-study courses and pre-reads to acquire knowledge, 混合 with live group sessions to discuss topic nuances, gain perspectives, and apply learnings

除了吸引人之外,队列项目也很有效. They aid knowledge comprehension and retention by encouraging learners to blend different skills and actively apply them with others. These two processes are known as the interleaving effect and active learning, respectively.

协作学习有各种形式和规模. 虽然通常与生活联系在一起, 亲身体验, collaborative learning can also happen digitally and asynchronously. 而且是在混合的情况下.

协作学习转向L&D进程在他们的头上. 这是一件好事.

协作学习鼓励学习 & 开发团队(L)&D)变得更加合作. 而不是集中生产所有的内容,L&D可以调动员工的积极性 主题专家直接. This shift towards decentralized learning creates two main benefits for L&D组:


集中L&D teams can only produce a finite number of learning initiatives for the business. As soon as the requests exceed the time and resources available, L&D成为瓶颈. 通过采用协作学习方法,L&D can harness the collective intelligence of the entire organization. To do that, you give everyone the tools they need to share knowledge quickly and effectively. 当这种情况发生时,L&D可以将焦点从制作内容转移到 为企业提供建议-指导和支持团队实现目标.

2 .缩短反馈循环

学习内容的平均上市时间为3-6个月. 这对快速发展的团队来说太慢了. You risk missing the chance to make an impact at the right time. 如果你能把几个月的时间缩短到几天呢?


  • Business need: Your local sales team wants to speed up the sales cycle with a new prospect qualification framework.
  • Solution: The sales enablement manager spins up a crash course on the different qualification criteria and associated questions.
  • Result: Within days, the sales team is using the framework in their calls. Over time, the team iterates and updates the crash course based on new learnings and best practices.

这种工作方式具有响应性、可伸缩性和动态性. 您的组织的学习内容会随着响应而发展 新兴的变化优先级和洞察力.

这种适应过程不仅对你的大脑有益&D team; it's beneficial for your employees too.


当人们聚在一起时,神奇的事情就会发生. When we can effectively explore and build on each other's ideas, 我们作为个人和团队一起成长. This is why collaborative learning is so powerful for the business.


Collaborative learning empowers individuals to drive their own development and support their peers at the same time. That combination builds an autonomous yet highly nurturing company culture where people feel they can grow.


When we lower the barrier to sharing and consuming knowledge, we more easily 将学习融入我们的日常工作生活中. 这就建立了一种持续学习的文化. And continuous learning is key to building high-performing, innovative teams.

So if collaborative learning is so powerful, why are so few companies doing it?


根据最近的一项研究 Eduflow调查L的80%&D professionals believe collaborative learning is important in the workplace. Yet only 20% of practitioners leverage collaborative learning with any frequency. There are two main reasons for this low number: (1) cultural resistance and (2) fear of losing quality. You can overcome both of these barriers by combining technology with human trust.


去中心化的内容创造是必须的 无摩擦. 毕竟,与他人分享知识需要时间. So the less time it takes and the more fun the experience, the more likely we are to do it. 这就是智能工具可以提供帮助的地方:

Find a learning platform that enables everyone to create material and collaborate with others easily. 确保他们能在同一屋檐下完成. 如果举办一个团队领导力培训需要三个工具, that's two tools too many for your busy subject matter experts.

Increase quality by entrusting employees with the right tools

Decentralizing content creation doesn't have to mean losing all quality and control. 尤其是当你创造了合适的条件时:

一种方法便是发行权利. You can enable everyone to create learning material while restricting publishing to a select few. 然后是模板. 你提供的越多, the easier it will be for teams to create courses and sessions that are on-brand and on-point. With these guidelines in place, you can trust your experts to pass on what they know.


这是一个激动人心的时刻来到洛杉矶&D. 企业从来没有像现在这样需要我们. 创造持久影响的机会是巨大的.

机遇伴随着责任. The responsibility to challenge the status quo and find innovative ways to scale learning within our organizations. And in this fast-moving world, content and courses will only take us so far.

L&D teams of the future are those that embrace the power of collaboration—for themselves as well as their learners.

Empower anyone to build engaging live and self-paced learning experiences

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